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Video Resources


Culture and Religion of Southeast Asia Full Video  - Suggested that only teachers watch the entire video.

The video has been broken into parts for classroom viewing as needed.

Ethnic Conflicts in Southeast Asia

The People of Southeast Asia

Islam in Southeast Asia

Introduction to the Culture of Southeast Asia

Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity in Southeast Asia

Christianity in Southeast Asia

Buddhism in Southeast Asia

Artistic Culture of Southeast Asia

Cultural Background of Southeast Asia

Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia

Additional Video Resources

“They Call it Myanmar” –  Robert H. Lieberman

This documentary, shot clandestinely over a 2-year period, examines life in Myanmar.  It traces the history of the country from a British colony to independent nation with an elected leader to the modern military regime of the country.  The film brings to light the rich cultural and religious heritage of the country, but also exposes the poverty and difficulty of daily life under extreme censorship.  The DVD may be purchased from the film’s website or Amazon, or it can be streamed through Netflix.

Ethnic Conflict and Reform in Myanmar - Stratfor Global Intelligence

Stratfor, a geopolitical analysis firm, has posted dozens of short videos (most around 3 minutes long) on a variety of topics from around the world.  While some of the current event videos are up to 2 years old, the topics they address are still relevant.  The videos are free to watch online.  

A Vision of Rangoon – Asia Society

As Rangoon becomes increasingly part of the world economy, the face of the historic city is changing.  This short (3 min) video presents the highlights from a longer presentation regarding the need to protect the historic architecture of the city.  A short reading, a few photos and a link to the entire one and a half hour program are included on the website.