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Grades 3-5

Map Skills Word Wall Help students learn the language of maps with this Word Wall Kit! Terms come directly from the TEKS and AP Human Geography CED. A supplementary resource for teachers matches terms with standards, provides resources for terms, and explains the image. Elements of this kit can used at levels K-12. 

Spatial Thinking About Maps This executive summary and report analyzes publications from the most prominent researchers in spatial thinking in geography and Earth sciences and summarizes major findings and curricular recommendations. (NGS)

Thinking Skills in Geography Learn how to engage elementary students in geographic analytical thinking.


Mama Panya's Pancakes Lesson (PDF, 625KB)
SS TEKS 1(7)B, 3(6)B Students analyze the text in "Mama Panya's pancakes" a village tale from Kenya. Using this information, students create maps that depict the cultural/economic behaviors in other parts of the world, through the eyes of a chosen character(s) in the texts.
We All Went on Safari Lesson (PDF, 267KB)
SS TEKS K(11)A, K(12)AB, 1(5)B, 1(15)A, 2(7)D, 3(5)B, 6(4)C In this activity, students will analyze text from "We all went on safari." Using this information, students will create maps that depict the physical features and animals that inhabit the region, Tanzania.


Spatial Skills (ZIP, 5.11MB)
Local to Global Spatial Skills: Texas Independence Trail (PDF, 1.46MB)
SS TEKS 4(3)A, 4(6)B, 4(21)B
The Geographic Influences of Texas Settlement (PDF, 1.12MB)
<p>G8: The lesson is an analysis of various maps of Texas between 1821-1861 that will be used to show the settlement and development of Texas by various ethnic groups.</p>
Patrón de Asentamiento GeoInquiry (PDF, 674KB)
SS TEKS 4(8)C, 5(8)ABC (In Spanish) Using ArcGIS Online, explore the relationship between the location of surface water and US population settlement patterns.
Producción de Energía GeoInquiry (PDF, 692KB)
SS TEKS 4(12)B, 5(13)B (In Spanish) Using ArcGIS Online, students will learn about energy production and consumption in the United States.
Texas Outline Map (PDF, 313KB)
Texas Rivers Map (PDF, 361KB)


GeoInquiry_Explorando Elevacion con Lewis y Clark (PDF, 488KB)
SS TEKS 5(4)D, 5(6)A. (In Spanish) Explore the route that Lewis and Clark followed and identify elevation levels throughout the regions of the United States.
Patrón de Asentamiento GeoInquiry (PDF, 674KB)
SS TEKS 4(8)C, 5(8)ABC (In Spanish) Using ArcGIS Online, explore the relationship between the location of surface water and US population settlement patterns.
Producción de Energía GeoInquiry (PDF, 692KB)
SS TEKS 4(12)B, 5(13)B (In Spanish) Using ArcGIS Online, students will learn about energy production and consumption in the United States.

Esri GeoInquiries Upper Elementary (external)

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