Grades K-2
We All Went on Safari Lesson
(PDF, 267KB)
SS TEKS K(11)A, K(12)AB, 1(5)B, 1(15)A, 2(7)D, 3(5)B, 6(4)C
In this activity, students will analyze text from "We all went on safari." Using this information, students will create maps that depict the physical features and animals that inhabit the region, Tanzania.
Most resources come from Primary-school Geography at
K(4) Near or Far (external pdf)
K(4) Models and Maps (external pdf)
K(4) Exploring Maps and Models of Earth (external) (NGS)
Primary classroom geography kit (external pdf)
1st Grade
Wangaris' Trees of Peace Lesson
(PDF, 717KB)
SS TEKS 1(15)A, 2(13)D, 6(7)B. In this activity, students will analyze text from "Wangaris' trees of peace". Using this information, students will create maps that depict the cultural behaviors in other parts of the world, through the eyes of a chosen character in the texts.
We All Went on Safari Lesson
(PDF, 267KB)
SS TEKS K(11)A, K(12)AB, 1(5)B, 1(15)A, 2(7)D, 3(5)B, 6(4)C
In this activity, students will analyze text from "We all went on safari." Using this information, students will create maps that depict the physical features and animals that inhabit the region, Tanzania.
Mama Panya's Pancakes Lesson
(PDF, 625KB)
SS TEKS 1(7)B, 3(6)B Students analyze the text in "Mama Panya's pancakes" a village tale from Kenya. Using this information, students create maps that depict the cultural/economic behaviors in other parts of the world, through the eyes of a chosen character(s) in the texts.
1(4)AB The Sun, Earth, and Cardinal Directions (external, NGS)
1(5)A Mapping the Classroom (external, NGS)
1(6) Models of Landforms and Water (external, pdf, NASA)
2nd Grade
Wangaris' Trees of Peace Lesson
(PDF, 717KB)
SS TEKS 1(15)A, 2(13)D, 6(7)B. In this activity, students will analyze text from "Wangaris' trees of peace". Using this information, students will create maps that depict the cultural behaviors in other parts of the world, through the eyes of a chosen character in the texts.
We All Went on Safari Lesson
(PDF, 267KB)
SS TEKS K(11)A, K(12)AB, 1(5)B, 1(15)A, 2(7)D, 3(5)B, 6(4)C
In this activity, students will analyze text from "We all went on safari." Using this information, students will create maps that depict the physical features and animals that inhabit the region, Tanzania.
Coming soon.
Teacher Resources
The following resources are useful for many grades or provides additional information for teachers.
Map Skills for Elementary Students (external site)
This collection can help with teaching an assortment of map skills through activities that address the spatial thinking abilities of young children.
Read More about Map Skills for Elementary Students (external site)
Spatial Thinking About Maps (external site)
Development of Concepts and Skills Across the Early Years (Executive Summary or Full Report)
Read More about Spatial Thinking About Maps (external site)
Primary School Geography
The kit includes guides for teachers to guide their students through spatial thinking. (From Carol and Phil Gersmehl and the Michigan Geographic Alliance)
Read More about Primary School Geography
Questions to Promote Spatial Thinking in Early Grades and in Later Grades (external site)
What do we mean by “where”? Topics and discussion questions to better understand "where". By Carol and Phil Gersmehl.
Read More about Questions to Promote Spatial Thinking in Early Grades and in Later Grades (external site)

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