Grades 6-8
Explore Geography and Careers in Geography kit is a digital Story Map of the Department of Geography's Business Card Directory. It includes a downloadable teacher guide.
Local to Global: Geographic Connections This unit has a strong regional focus on Texas and the United States and also includes global extension topics. The content provided within the five geographic modules (Spatial Skills, Physical Systems, Human Systems, Places and Regions, and Environment and Society) includes case studies, state and national standards, embedded media and online resources, lesson planning, and much more.
Global Guesstionnaires These trivia-type Bell Ringers are standards-based and seek to draw students in with interesting information and connect to learning in the classroom.
Maps Outline maps for classroom for various regions of the world.
Texas Esri GeoInquiries Economy to 1890, Economy 1891 - 1920, Dust Bowl (external)
Story Maps
- The Civil Rights Movement in Texas
- Texas Settlements
- Celebrating Texas' Festivals: Diversity Within Unity
- Exploring the Texas Cattle Trails
Unfortunately, we no longer have the Giant Traveling Maps, but we are leaving the supporting resources on the webpage in hopes that it may useful to someone.
Esri GeoInquiries US History (external)
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