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Injeong Jo

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Ph.D., Geography, Texas A&M University, 2011
Office: ELA 338
Phone: 512-245-3206
Vita    HB2504 information
Research Interests: Geography and Spatial Thinking Education, Geography and Social Studies Teacher Preparation, Geospatial Technologies for Education, Assessment in Geography

Recent Publications:

Jo, I., & Hong, J. E. (Accepted / In Press). GIS learning and college students’ acquisition and understanding of spatial concepts. Journal of Geography in Higher Education.

Jo, I. (Accepted / In Press). Geospatial technologies teacher education. In S. Bednarz & J. Mitchell (Eds.), Handbook of Geography Education. Springer.

Jo, I., & Huh, S. (2022). Pedagogical reasoning and action (PR&A): A framework for research on professional knowledge of geography teaching. In E. Artvinli, I. Gryl, J. Lee, & J. Mitchell (Eds.), Geography Teacher Education and Professionalization (pp. 291–304). Springer.

Jo, I., Crane, M., Hong, J. E., & Huh, S. (2022). GeoActivity Types in APHG: Analysis of Maps and Photos. The Geography Teacher, 19(2), 56–59.

Jo, I., Bannert, A., Huh, S., & Hong, J. E. (2022). GeoActivity Types in APHG: End-of-Year Culminating Project. The Geography Teacher, 19(2), 75–79.

Bednarz, S., Shin, E., & Jo, I. (2022). Spatial thinking in primary geography. In G. Kidman & D. Schmeinck (Eds.), Teaching Primary Geography (pp. 133–144). Springer.

Lee, J., & Jo, I. (2022). Assessing spatial skills/thinking in geography. In T. Bourke & R. Lane (Eds.), Assessment in Geographical Education: An International Perspective (pp. 77–97). Springer.

Lee, J., & Jo, I. (2022). Assessment of mapping learning progressions in geography. In T. Bourke & R. Lane (Eds.), Assessment in Geographical Education: An International Perspective (pp. 55–76). Springer.

Courses Taught:

GEO 7447 Spatial Graphics in Geography Education (Online and Face-to-Face)
GEO 7371 Advanced Seminar in Geography Education: Active Learning in Geography (Online)
GEO 7371 Advanced Seminar in Geography Education: Research Methods in Geography Education
GEO 7350 Practicum in Teaching Geography (Online and Face-to-Face)
GEO 7399 Dissertation
GEO 7390 Independent Study
GEO 5393F Spatial Thinking in Education (Online)
GEO 5350 Practicum in Teaching Geography (Online and Face-to-Face)
GEO 5343 Technology in Geographic Education (Online and Face-to-Face)
GEO 5340 Active Learning in Geography (Online)
GEO 5335 Directed Research
GEO 5301 Multivariate Quantitative Methods (Online)
GEO 4340 Fundamental Themes in Geography (Online and Face-to-Face)
GEO 1310 World Geography