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Masters Programs

Our graduate programs offer a wide range of research areas which prepare students for successful careers in federal, state and local agencies and in the private sector.  Our Master's programs are highlighted below. 

Master of Applied Geography Degree (MAGeo)

Designed to train geographers to use their skills and background knowledge to solve real-world problems with geographic dimensions. Applied geography includes such sub-fields as environmental management, land use planning, location analysis, land management, transportation systems planning, applied physical geography, geographic aspects of environmental law, remote sensing, cartography, and geographic information science. The degree is intended to prepare the student for middle management employment, but research skills taught in this program are excellent training for students who intend to proceed to doctoral work.

Master of Science Degree (MS)

The objective of the MS program is to provide theoretical, research-oriented master's-level instruction in environmental geography, geographic education, geographic information science, and other areas of departmental expertise to interested and qualified students who wish eventually to pursue doctoral work in geography or prepare themselves for research-oriented or teaching careers. The program was formally approved by of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in August 2000.

Please direct questions regarding these degree programs to the Geography Graduate Mailbox.