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Colleen Myles

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Ph.D., Geography, University of California, Davis, 2012
Office:  ELA 341
Phone: 512.245.1327
Vita      HB2504 information
Personal Website
Research Interests: human-environment interactions, cultural and political ecology, qualitative methods


Myles, C. (editor) (2020) Fermented landscapes: Lively processes of socio-environmental transformation. University of Nebraska Press.

Refereed articles and book chapters:

Myles, C.C., D. Wiley, W. Furness, & K. Sturdivant. (2023) “Brewing change: Exploring Social, Environmental, & Economic Advocacy in (Craft) Brewing in the United States”; Annals of the American Association of Geographers.

Myles, C.C., B. Vander Weil, D. Wiley, and B. Watson. (2022) “Representations of low(er)-alcohol (craft) beer in the US” in a special issue on the “Impact of Alcoholic Beverages on Human Health” in Nutrients.

Gailloux, C., W.W. Furness, C.C. Myles, D. Wiley, & K. Collins (2022) “Fieldwork without the field: Navigating qualitative research in pandemic times” for McAllister, G. et al. (eds.) “Participatory Action Research in a Time of COVID and Beyond”, a special issue of Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.

Myles, C.C., C. Townsend, & K. Collins. (2022) “Texas in transition: Considering the production of grapes, wine, and place”; Social Sciences.

Copler, C.. C. Holtkamp, & C.C. Myles. (2022) “A Place for Bourbon? A Geographical Analysis of Bourbon Production in the United States”; Southeastern Geographer.

Motherscholar Collective, A.K. Frazer, K.E. Frazier, A. Harmon, C. Coleman-King, C.C. Myles-Baltzly, E.T. Cripe, I. Richardson, K.A. Azim, L. Quaynor, and M. Eikert (2022) “Pushing boundaries and balance: Finding humanity in pandemic pedagogy”; special issue of the American Educational History Journal, “Breakthrough: From Pandemic Panic to Promising Practice” (eds. McCarther and Davis).

Baltzly, V.B.M. and C.C. Myles-Baltzly. (2022) “Pigs in Paradise: Local happy people raising (happy, local) pigs?”; East Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2), 2022, pp. 23-39.

Myles-Baltzly, C. (2022) “Inside the ‘bonkers bunker’: Reflections on somehow making an ‘impossible’ situation possible.” American Educational History Journal, special issue on “Snapshots of History: Portraits of the 21st Century Pandemic” (pp 155-162).

Myles, C., K. Collins , & C. Townsend. (2022) “Wine, deep in the heart of Texas”; Routledge Handbook of Wine and Culture edited by S. Charters, M. Demossier, J. Dutton, G. Harding, D. Marks, J. Smith Maguire, and T. Unwin.

Myles, C. and M. Tobias. (2022) “Wine, culture, and environment: A study of the Sierra (Nevada) Foothills American Viticultural Area”; Routledge Handbook of Wine and Culture edited by S. Charters, M. Demossier, J. Dutton, G. Harding, D. Marks, J. Smith Maguire, and T. Unwin.

Myles, C.C. (2021) “T is for Taste”; in Musings: An abecedary of Food, Feminism, and Fermentation, ed. M. Hey, 80-83. fff: food feminism fermentation.

Myles, C., M. Tobias, M., & I. McKinnon. (2021) “‘A big fish in a small pond’: How Arizona wine country was made” in Agritourism, Wine Tourism, Craft Beer Tourism: Local Responses to peripherality through tourism niches, eds. Pezzi, M., A. Faggian, & N. Reid. Routledge.

Motherscholar Collective, Myles-Baltzly, C. C., Ho, H. K., Richardson, I., Greene-Rooks, J., Azim, K. A., Frazier, K. E., Campbell-Obaid, M., Eilert, M., & Lim, S. R. (2021) “Transformative collaborations: How a Motherscholar Research Collective survived and thrived during COVID-19.” International Perspectives in Psychology, special issue on “Global Changes in the ‘World of Work’ and ‘Personal Lives’ in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” 10:4, 197-214.

Myles, C. & V. Baltzly. (2021) Enacting interdisciplinarity: Lessons from crafting a multi-dimensional, experiential field study; special issue on “Interdisciplinarity in Geography Educational Experiences Abroad” in The Geography Teacher, 18(3-4), 101-106.

Myles, C., P. Goff, D. Wiley, & A. Savelyev (2020) “Low gravity on the rise: A sociocultural examination of low alcohol beer in the United States.” In Geography of Beer, Part II, eds. Hoalst-Pullen, N. and M. Patterson. Springer.

Wiley, D., S. Savelyev, C. Myles, P. Goff. (2020) “Virtual Pub Crawl: Using Social Media to Explore Beer Geographies in the United States”; Intervalla.

Ashford-Hanserd, S., E. Sarmiento, C. Myles, S. Rayburn, A.K. Roundtree, M. Hayton, E. Ybarra, S. Benitez, T. Clifford, C. Pierce, C. Williams, & S. Maleki. (2020) “African American Experiences in the Historic Dunbar Neighborhood in San Marcos, Texas: A Case Study of Counter-Life Stories”; Social Sciences.

Courses Taught:

Applied Research Design and Techniques (graduate)
Managing Urbanization (graduate)
Land Management (graduate) 
Environmental Management (undergraduate)
Cultural (and Political)
Ecology (undergraduate)